Do you worry about bad breath? Do you know what you can do to counter this problem?

While it’s normal to experience bad breath—everyone does occasionally—it isn’t a pleasant experience. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do.

The most important thing you can do is practice good oral health. This includes brushing and flossing at home. Bad breath is often caused by food particles trapped in your plaque or by debris caught between your teeth. Using mouthwash and a tongue scraper can also remove even more bacteria, leaving your breath even fresher.

You can also avoid such as garlic and onions. Substances in these foods can work their way into your bloodstream, which eventually make their way into your lungs. This means you’ll breathe them out again, causing bad breath. Similarly, if you smoke, some chemicals may remain in your mouth, resulting in bad breath.

Finally, instead of eating a mint after you eat, try sugarless gum. Chewing gum will promote saliva flow which will carry bacteria out of your mouth. Conversely, mints contain sugar which can ultimately lead to bad breath and weaker teeth. Also, try keeping your mouth wet. Drinking water or using a humidifier could help.

Hopefully, these tips will help you overcome bad breath. However, if you still find yourself battling with bad breath, some of these tips could simply be hiding a more serious problem. Fortunately, your dentist should be able to find and address such a problem.

If you are interested in learning more about what you can do to fight bad breath—or are worried about persistent bad breath—please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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