We have just made it through Thanksgiving, and Christmas is right around the corner. One thing that we can all associate with the holidays is delicious food and sweet treats. During all of the holiday hustle and bustle, do you consider how to keep your teeth healthy and white? We have a few tips for you to follow that are sure to keep you smiling through the new year.

1. Limit Your Sweets.
Yes- this is the hardest for everyone. There a huge variety of sweets during this time of year, especially all those delicious seasonal goodies that we long for all year. It can be very easy to binge on surgery treats- but beware! Too many sweets could cause a cavity.

2. Use a Straw.
In addition to wonderful food, the holiday season also brings a variety of beverages. When enjoying a glass of red wine, cider, or anything else that is dark in color, use a straw. These dark liquids are tasty, but could stain your teeth.

3. Keep a Travel Toothbrush on Hand.
It is always wise to brush after meals in order to remove unwanted food and debris; however, this can be especially true during the holidays. With all of the extra calories and sugar, and large amounts of food, brushing after meals can help keep your teeth cavity free and white.

If you have any problems this holiday season, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment with us. Merry Christmas!

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